Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Outdoor Adventures- too much baby talk

So, lately Ryan and I have been having lots of outdoor adventures. I'm so blessed to share that passion with him. We both love hiking and just being in God's nature. Ryan God and I. That's how it's been on our last adventures, since no one else likes braving the coldish weather. We went to both Land between the Lakes in Kentucky, and the Shawnee National Forest in Illinois last weekend. I had no idea we were so close to Illinois! I felt a little guilty for liking it so much too...though I felt better after I remembered that Kara and Brenna are from there.

Shawnee National Forest is amazing! I could stay there and pray all day everyday. first we had to take a ferry over to the National Forest, then we drove around till we found a place that looked good. I wanted to find a map first, but we couldn't because it was MLK day and everything was closed. We hiked for hours in the "Garden of the Gods" which I renamed "The Garden of God." If I weren't 7 months pregnant it would have been even more amazing. There were so many caves and rocks to climb...and so many opportunities for Ryan to scare me and make me yell at him for getting too close to a cliff or something.

On our way home we stopped in Metroplois and I took a picture of Superman. I love superman.

This past weekend I didn't do much. Just did online research for baby stuff....do many darn options out there. Geesh. Really? Do we really need as many options on baby strollers or carseats as their are cars? It's crazy cause they even have a sort of crash test rating and everything. I haven't discovered weather any of them help with gas mileage or not yet...though I'm sure that info is somewhere.

We worked on our birthing plan yesterday. Ryan's idea was to take a sheet a blank page and write one it, "Be Ware of Husband. Touch the wife or the baby and you die"

We also want to make t-shirts and have everyone wear them in the delivery room...we're just not sure of what we should put on them a few we've come up with that aren't that great are: "Just Say no to Drugs", "This is a drug free zone." "No Thank you"

Any ideas?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Private Blogs

So, I have run into a problem with all of the private blogs. I can't read them! and that makes me sad. So, if you would please invite me if your blog is private...that would be super amazing awesomeness.

This weekend I didn't do anything. well, I cleaned, and cooked and looked up baby stuff and ratings and watched a few movies with hubby, but nothing really. It was way to short though and went by quickly. right now I'm trying to decide which camera to buy. Mine is dead. I have my work camera, but not my own. I like the Canon SD789IS or the canon SX2000IS. Any thoughts?

I had to have my blood drawn today for a glucose test. The look the nurse gave me when she was telling me about it was hilarious. Now I turn down every test they offer, of course. The nurse and doctor are always very nice about it. I had thought about not having this one, but figured it wouldn't hurt and then I'd know my blood type. Well, she tells me about the test and end with "you have to do it" in a very nice way. Of course her adding that made me want to say "No...I'm not taking it." But, I restrained myself...though it was very hard...and even now its hard for me. So i finally took a test. They had me drink this sugary drink and I had to wait an hour. At least I didn't have to wait in the doctors office during that time. The drink was like sweet coolaid and it made me feel sick. And they wonder why I don't like tests. Oh well. no doctors appointment for another month...yay!

Signing off,


Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Alive!

This is my new year resolution. Please help me keep it. I want to keep in touch with everybody and I'm[ so bad at it....and this would help....so do anything to help me help myself.

So I'm alive. 2010 here I come! I'm excited for this year...and there are some reasons I shouldn't be...but I can't help but dwell on all the awesome things that will come out of this year.

This year I will have a baby. A darling baby girl (yes I know I said I wasn't going to tell...but I can't resist any longer, you win). I will dress her in little red dresses and teach her to shoot guns. Only 3 and half months left till she's here. I've started to pop, and this week I've only worn sweat pants. I guess I can't complain though. After all, being 6 months pregnant I should have something to show for it. She kicks me all the time...and I love it! Maybe she'll be good at martial arts. :-)

This year I will also move back to Ohio. It is because my husband is deploying, but good things will come of it. Ryan will deploy sometime after the baby is born and then I will move. I will then have a built in baby sitter and company while hubby is gone. I will also be able to take TaeKwonDo back up and kick some people around. I will be in the country. I will have horse again. I will enjoy it very much.

Those are my two biggies for this year. They're the things I'm excited about.

I don't know what I will do this weekend...but I will let you know what I did. I promise. :-)

Signing off.