Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Outdoor Adventures- too much baby talk

So, lately Ryan and I have been having lots of outdoor adventures. I'm so blessed to share that passion with him. We both love hiking and just being in God's nature. Ryan God and I. That's how it's been on our last adventures, since no one else likes braving the coldish weather. We went to both Land between the Lakes in Kentucky, and the Shawnee National Forest in Illinois last weekend. I had no idea we were so close to Illinois! I felt a little guilty for liking it so much too...though I felt better after I remembered that Kara and Brenna are from there.

Shawnee National Forest is amazing! I could stay there and pray all day everyday. first we had to take a ferry over to the National Forest, then we drove around till we found a place that looked good. I wanted to find a map first, but we couldn't because it was MLK day and everything was closed. We hiked for hours in the "Garden of the Gods" which I renamed "The Garden of God." If I weren't 7 months pregnant it would have been even more amazing. There were so many caves and rocks to climb...and so many opportunities for Ryan to scare me and make me yell at him for getting too close to a cliff or something.

On our way home we stopped in Metroplois and I took a picture of Superman. I love superman.

This past weekend I didn't do much. Just did online research for baby stuff....do many darn options out there. Geesh. Really? Do we really need as many options on baby strollers or carseats as their are cars? It's crazy cause they even have a sort of crash test rating and everything. I haven't discovered weather any of them help with gas mileage or not yet...though I'm sure that info is somewhere.

We worked on our birthing plan yesterday. Ryan's idea was to take a sheet a blank page and write one it, "Be Ware of Husband. Touch the wife or the baby and you die"

We also want to make t-shirts and have everyone wear them in the delivery room...we're just not sure of what we should put on them a few we've come up with that aren't that great are: "Just Say no to Drugs", "This is a drug free zone." "No Thank you"

Any ideas?


Kara said...

"All natural, baby"

They actually make baby things that say "Made With Love at Ft. Campbell" I have seen them. I didn't get your baby one though.

BH said...

I have never been to Shawnee National Forest, but I'd like to sometime. It sounds beautiful. Illinois is such a diverse state. Southern Illinois is very different from Northern Illinois. :-)