Thursday, February 25, 2010

Changed my Mind....

I'm in the process of switching from my current OB doctor to a Midwifery in Nashville. The Vanderbilt midwife program is awesome! you see my doctor suggested I go there after I handed him my birth plan. His biggest things was that he wanted me to have an IV and to stay on the hospital bed after my water broke...really? None of those things are necessary and I don't want to have to fight anyone over it. So, since a home birth costs 1,500-3,000, I will take the next best option. When I met with the Vanderbilt midwives they said that I could do whatever I wanted and they don't even keep Patocin around...and don't do c-sections. My kind of place. :-) Now let's see how long Tri-care (govt healthcare) takes to switch over.

On another note, I had dinner with Karl Rove and his family last week. Sweet man. It was his sons 21st Birthday party (I worked with his son during my LI years). He served me cake. Cute is another word I'd use to describe him....who would have thought. It was a little awkward though, because you see you can tell that I'm pregnant now. maybe I don't look 8 months, but you can still tell. Anyway I was hanging out a lot with Randolph who I hitchhiked a ride with to the party. I only knew Randolph and Rover (Karl's son). Mr. Rove asked Randolph if the baby was, I have a husband. Randolph did explain this to him....thank goodness. But still. I wonder who else wondered that? Atleast the lady I was sitting next to at dinner knew...because I made sure I told her all about Ryan, deployment and the baby. She was very nice though.

This weekend is Ryan and i's anniversary and we've rented a cabin in the TN wilderness for the weekend. No cell phone people. Just us. So, if you try to reach me before can't. After that though, try and reach me all you want cause Ryan will be at JRTC (deplyment training) in LA and I'll be sad. Boo...soo...yeah.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Angy said...

Maybe it's just small comfort, but at least Ryan didn't have to leave before your anniversary.

It's also probably a good choice to go with the midwife. It's more you.

Tessa said...

That's cool about the midwife program. I agree with Angy; sounds like a good fit!

Happy Anniversary too! That's nice that you guys will be able to spend some time together.